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Writer's pictureDONNA


Updated: Jul 2, 2019

The Importance of Play

Greetings Animal Ambassadors,

In this month's article I will be covering the importance of playtime. It is such an integral part of our lives. Both, for ourselves and our animal counterparts. It keeps both of our spirits young and our souls nourished.

On conducting research for this topic, I came across a scientific definition of play ( James L Gould & Carol Grant Gould) “Play - is to describe any behaviour that does not have any apparent adaptive function. That is, it serves no obvious purpose “

I actually disagree, animals are the masters of energy conservation. And my belief and understanding is, that they happen to go about their everyday tasks with fun in mind.

Animal's play for a number of different reasons. When they are young it teaches them boundaries and basic behaviour. .

Play is an important part of theirs ( and our) daily routine.

It encourages living in the moment. Raised heart rate, release of endorphins, laughter and connecting to our inner child: all of these things are important for the evolution of one's soul and spiritual growth. Therein lies play's greatest purpose,

The benefits are endless. For example, dogs learn to play when they are puppies, living with their pack. Then we become their pack.

Playtime in social groups gives them useful life skills like, play fighting, hunting or chasing, at the same time allowing them to bond. I was privileged to witness this firsthand, with puppy integration when I worked at the pet resort. It was wonderful to see the older dogs assist in reinforcing correct behaviour and manners. Dogs learn naturally and so much faster from their own species.

According to a study from Bristol University. Dogs who don't play, can become anxious, develop separation anxiety, aggression, unnecessary barking, whining and other undesirable behaviours.

However, a dog who plays by themselves demonstrates intelligence.Also, according to the experts, dogs require 30 minutes to 2 hours play per day.. I believe if you only have 30 minutes of time to offer a pet, then get a gold fish!

Most animals love interactions with their own species as well as other species.That's why they have taken on such an important part of our lives. We owe it to them to provide enrichment and mental stimulation. It honours their inner puppy.

If you have a free spirited animal living with you, as I do you will notice that good play is still a much anticipated highlight of their day. My Dora, who is 8.5 years young, still loves a good game of Chaseys and hide & seek. She will always be the instigator. Quite often if I'm in my office, she will run past with one toy in her mouth, then two and at the most, is three. Now that's some serious dedication!The other signature move she has, is the “bum-but” where she will come up spin around and whack into my legs with her bottom, to engage play.

I am always happy to indulge her because, it truly benefits both of us. It gets me moving, laughing , running around the house and yard, and I always feel lighter for the experience. Bless her.

The dolphins are a wonderful example of naturally occurring play. When I swam with them in Hawaii there was an overwhelming feeling of pure joy and happiness, in their every movement. The French phrase “Joie de Vivre” sums them up beautifully. Enjoyment of life involves one's whole being.

Eagles,soar majestically, searching for prey, from a higher perspective. Doing their graceful dance in the wind currents making the task seemingly more pleasurable and productive.

Why not take a leaf out of the animals book? Live life in the moment, with joy and happiness in everything we do. It would be a lighter journey and would encourage more joy into our lives.

How can you and your fur-friends bring more fun to your every day?

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