It's that time of the year again where we tend to get reflective and introspective.
Counting our wins and losses. I prefer to think of them as
"Wisdom & Lessons"
It sure has been a crazy couple of years to say the least!
Personally, I have had a pretty amazing year, overall.
Full of learning, healing and development, on all levels; body, mind and spirit.
With unexpected twists and turns, as life should be!
My biggest keyword this year has been "TRUST";
Trusting that my higher self signed up to be here at this time of great change and evolution. Trusting that I am surrounded by the right animals and people at the right moment.
Knowing that they will show up when I am ready and I will be divinely inspired/guided when need be.
My greatest unexpected moment/gift this year: one fateful June morning at Sunrise, a gorgeous doggo appeared at the gate ( 14/7/2021)
Prompting the eventual name of Dougie-Ra.
Ra being the Egyptian Sun god.
It is only fitting that I am writing this now. As it is exactly six months, TODAY, since Dougie showed up.
To add to the synchronistic timing of this event. My Landlord and a distant neighbour had hired a shooter and trapper to kill wild dogs, for a fortnight. He started setting up that very morning at 7am. So it was even more important to keep Dougie with us.
Doug had never been in a house and he was quite nervous. However, I couldn't leave him outside in case he jumped the fence. He curled up on the veranda area, Dora and I slept in the loungeroom to keep him company. It took him 4 days to tempt the carpet, which he did so gingerly. Then ran backwards and forwards when he could see that it was okay.
Watching Dora and myself interact was really helpful for Dougie's understanding of this new situation.
Animal Communication & Reiki has been invaluable in helping him settle in. It is how we discovered how he showed up in the first place. He escaped a chain, looking for a lady friend. This was reconfirmed when I drove around trying to find his guardians/owners. Each house and direction he took me had female dogs in heat. Cheeky boy.
We went to great lengths to find his previous people, to no avail. Facebook campaigns, printed flyers in all surrounding areas.
Also, we figured out he was a farm Doggo, ( working cattle)that had lived wild for a time.
In the meantime he had completely captured our hearts with his sweet and quirky ways.
I am now his official guardian, with help from some amazing people, we got all his medical needs taken care of, and we are currently training him to become a personal therapy dog.
He is a beautiful soul and there have definitely been some moments of joy and learning. Animal communication has helped so much with his integration and healing.
I encourage you to look back over the last year and see how far you've come!
Here's a list to prompt some reflective meditation or journaling sometimes the act of writing things down makes more sense of the journey and deepens your understanding of the "why's"
What are your keyword/s for 2021?
Was there a theme?
What went well?
What could do with a tweak or complete overhaul?
What will you take into the new year and what will you leave behind?
What no longer serves your highest purpose?(These can be habits, lifestyle choices, attitudes, people and/or possessions. Sometimes they can simply be a new way of being & processing thoughts)
What was your biggest miracle/unexpected moment?
I'm all for self development and creating a "better" you. However, one of my biggest lessons has been to allow time for integration and feeling into the changes.
Exploring and tweaking as necessary.
Trying to remain as centred as possible and be able to ground our energy regardless of the situation.
Don't be afraid of change, if you embrace it, things may just turn out better than you can imagine!
I would love to send out a huge heartfelt THANKYOU to all our amazing clients, pets and people.
It has been a huge privilege to witness the growth and development! These memories will remain with me forever.
With a special mention to all the Beautiful souls that have chosen to transition this year, including the brave Guardians that have been touched by these deep moments.
Also, we have gift vouchers available from $70.
"Give the Gift of understanding and connection"
Perfect option for the people and pets in your life that have everything. An Animal Communication Session can assist with behavioural issues, dietary concerns, allergies and anxiety, most of all communicating with your pets will deepen your connection and help you with making decisions regarding their future. Understanding the lessons and creating a more harmonious relationship for everyone.
Most of all, have a lovely holiday season.
Stay Safe and please be kind to one another.
Look forward to connecting in the New Year.
Big Love Donna, Dora and Dougie-Ra Xx
Dora's last word:
"Dougie has helped me find my inner Puppy again, and the biscuits! I really like having him around, I'm happy to share my toys and Mum with him, and he is very handsome! "