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Writer's pictureDONNA


We are all interconnected.

Sacred, Unique and Powerful.

We have chosen to be on Earth at this incredible time.

From the birds and the bees, to the flowers and the trees, and the aquatic souls too.

Whether we like it or not, each being on the planet is connected to us, is a part of us, in an amazing intricate living breathing organism and ecosystem. Each one relying on the other for survival.

The only difference being, we have choices to make that will have a huge impact for all the other lifeforms that inhabit our planet.

Awareness reminds us that ALL choices come with consequences.

We are the guardians and ambassadors that have a huge opportunity to make positive changes moving forward.

The world would be a better place if we worked from a place of respect and understanding for our fellow beings. After all, we are all from the same Source energy.

If we were taught to fully comprehend our interdependence in a complex, multidimensional, ecological web, what would we change and what could we become?

What would our society be like if we could transform our prevailing narrative that seems to be based on separation, ego, division, the concept of right / wrong and domination through fear, into one based on recognizing our inter-relatedness, and how that reflects back to our own happiness, wellbeing, abilities to adapt and to thrive?

What would a flourishing planet look like? If we brought together thoughts, feeling, mind, matter, protection, empathy, reason and intuition, what kind of cultures could we build going forward?

If we were taught to fully apprehend our interdependence in a complex, multidimensional, ecological web, what might we change and what could we become?

How would our focus change? Would we then develop a new narrative that considered all life valuable and recognized that we live in communities of all kinds, within deeply-connected living systems and networks that, in respecting and valuing them, could result in greater levels of wellbeing within those living systems?

Could we grow into creating, acting and participating in a more conscious, collaborative manner that respects diversity in a more sacred worldview?

Merriam-Webster dictionary has a few definitions of 'sacred', including:

a: entitled to reverence and respect

b: highly valued and important

How might you contribute to establishing that? How might you facilitate such a new, life-revering narrative?

What would you charge?

What can you change?

What kinds of detoxing, healing, re-patterning, creating would need to take shape in your life so you could participate in coexistence on a global scale?

What long-dormant gifts and talents would you need to retrieve, own, embody and action?

One of the common narratives that seems to demonstrate our "us and them" mentality, with a hefty dose of superiority complex is:

"They have no road sense!"

Usually uttered about dogs, but I've heard it applied to multiple animals, including natives.

First of all let's take a step back, and

accept some responsibility and accountability.

We ( the humans) built these roads through their habitats and homelands. We are the only creature that drive these massive metal machines on said roads

Then maybe, it is up to us to develop some Animal Sense, some Ethical Earth sense, remember our sacredness?

Time is short. Let's make decisions and choices that our future selves and mother Gaia can be proud of. Let's put the planet's and animals' well -being in the forefront of our minds.

We are being given a huge opportunity to take a step back, breathe and readily envision our new world.

Let's rise above the divisionary energy and the need to be right or wrong!

Take our cues from the animals, they coexist in harmony, mostly.

Allow people the space to make the best decisions for themselves using their intuition and knowing. Rather than the current toxic media environment. Inform yourself from your heart space.

Not the Social Media "Guru's"

Keep our eyes peeled and hearts opened, so we don't add to the unnecessary damage and drama.

As the animals are also here to assist and guide us to the New way of being.

Take a deep breath ( take a few)

We've got this!

Big love Donna, Dora and Dougie-Ra

You can connect with us for Animal Communication and Healing Sessions

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