Animal Antidotes and Pearls of wisdom.
It is an absolute privilege and pleasure to work with animals.
And I am often blown away by their insights.
So I thought I would share some of them with you:
A common question that is asked by clients is “do they need anything?”
One unforgettable answer was “more cheese, head rubs and a swimming pool!”
Two things struck me about this, the simplistic nature of the first two items. Very doable! And the fact that a swimming pool was just as achievable. Excellent manifesting skills. Also, worth mentioning the guardians had been discussing the possibility of a swimming pool. So at least they know what side this sweet guy was on.
“What is their favourite thing? “ (it is important to ask open ended questions, it allows the animals to answer freely, on their terms) I've had some ripper responses to this:
Bones and chicken frames, this came through as a taste sensation
Mum's smell
Dads slippers
My daybed
The wind in my fur
The beach
Snuggle time
My animal or human friend
My vital green food supplement
When their humans are happy
I'm sure we can all relate to this list.
Another question often asked is their food okay?
These answers can be personal preference and for their highest good:
Sometimes they refer to their medication
or dob in a parent for sneaking food
They are usually content. However, sometimes the food, supplements or medication can be causing allergies or skin conditions. Or irritating them in some way. This is where the pendulum works a treat ( pun intended). The pendulum is fantastic for going through all the digestible and topical treatments you use on your fur friends. Very accurate and quick too.
Bottom line animals are fantastic at understanding what works best for them and occasionally us too.
Have you ever wondered what your animals are trying to tell you?
I'd also love to send a massive thank you to all the Beautiful Souls who came to the Animal Communication for beginner’s workshop. All brought such positive energy. Had some amazing insights and messages come throughout the day. It was a wonderful day of connection!
One of the participants communicated with Dora (my 9 year young girl)
When asked how she was doing?
She answered “Life is Grand! “
And she is absolutely right!
I happened to ask Dora what she wanted for Christmas at the end of last year.
She answered simply: “You. More time with you “ I was struck by her answer and decided to do everything I could to make her wish come true.
I went from 3-4 12 hour days a week to 3-4 a month.
So I work from home or close by. I take her to as many events as I can.
I create all of her food now. And I let her call the shots if I need a break and we go for a walk or just hang out together.
I know my time with her is precious, and I'm stoked that she thinks life is grand. I love her very much. She absolutely is the best Human Communicator I know!
Til next time
Big love Donna and Dors Xx