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Writer's pictureDONNA


I'd like to dedicate this article to the wonderful way the Animals show up and assist us.

While every living being has their own individual soul light. The species they are associated with, hold a special resonance and medicine that gives us the gift of deeper understanding, underlying knowing and wisdom that comes with their presence, action and antics.

There are many factors to consider when interpreting the relevant learning in these moments.

Sometimes it is with the passing of time and hindsight when the true message reveals itself...

Some examples;

● Frog- it's time to do a physical cleanse and detox, let yourself cry, let go of emotional toxicity, singing and chanting will create balance. A time of abundance. The start of a steady transformation from and old life to the new.

● Snake- Significant personal changes, transmutation. You will feel energized. New channels of awareness will open up. You will experience a dramatic physical and emotional healing from an unexpected source.

● Whip-bird- You are responsible for your own motivation. It is time to take control. Are you willing to do what is required to reach your full potential. Surrendering outworn concepts and beliefs. Are you free to make your own decisions?

● Horse- You are about to embark on an unexpected journey. Time to free yourself. Teamwork is important right now. You are more powerful than you think. This situation requires warrior strength, balanced with compassion

Sometimes it can be the colours of the animal, such as black and white is usually asking you to create or look for balance in a situation.

Where they are located. Such as an Eagle in the sky suggesting to rise above or to see things from a higher perspective. Time to go with the flow and allow the wind currents to do all the work.

Is the Animal in an unexpected space? Placement of the animal can be significant also, if they are near your front door, the energy or lesson is likely to be entering your life.

The age or stage of life for the Animal can be significant too. Such as having the privilege to watch a butterfly leaving Its cocoon; suggests a new project about to take off, or its time for you to spread your wings. Starting a new phase.

Sometimes the Animal shows up in a telepathic vision, and their energy is particularly familiar to you.

This happened with me and one of my passed goats a few weeks ago.

I happened to be writing in my journal at the time and pondering how to handle a situation. And I had a clear vision and feeling of Maybelline. She was a beautiful soul, however, everyday in every way she treated everything as a battle that needed to be won. With every living creature, even her Goaty brothers, me and Dora.

It was a tough way to experience life, butting heads with everyone and essentially proving herself triumphant and right!

It was in this moment that I realised that I was in conflict with the situation/person, for no good reason. I was just matching the energy of the other person. A lot of wasted unnecessary angst. I decided there and then to not engage, just be me, and accept the situation as it unfolds. On the way to the meeting I also saw an eagle that gave me confirmation to take the high road.

Another thing to be aware of, is repetition.

For example 2 days this week, I have had a tree snake capture a juvenile frog at the front door at the same time both days.

Each time I have opened the door, the snake drops the frog and goes under the house.

There are multiple lessons in this encounter.

The message of the snake, all about transmutation, new channels of awareness etc. Aiming for the frog, it is in his grasp. Time to transform from the old to the new, it will be abundant times, and the detox will be the start of steady transformation.

With the bonus message of the encounter literally taking place on my front door. The action of the snake, time to strike, or I may lose the opportunity.

To be honest, had this not happened twice I wouldn't have seen the significance.

We coexist with so many beautiful creatures and each one brings their own form of narrative to the day. Allowing another level of magic to unfold and inform us on our journey of soul evolution.

Please take some time to feel into each encounter with nature, we are all connected.

If you are interested, there are many resources online, to research the messages from our animal friends. Oftentimes you can pose a question and the first Animal that shows up will have the answer or at least hold an element of wisdom within them.

Nature Amazes me every day in Every Way.

This little fella is a Ichneumon Wasp, also known as a banded caterpillar parasite Wasp.. Named because they lay their eggs in the caterpillar once they are done eating.

In nature every creature has a purpose and a place, there really is a circle of life...

I have seen these guys around previously and when this fella landed on me I could get a photo and do some research.

Look at the beautiful colours and designs. Incredible.

The general message of the Wasp;

  • Jump in and do the tasks before you

  • Sacred geometry may feel relevant now

  • Focus on fulfilling your obligations and responsibilities

  • Break out of your routine, do something adventurous

  • Lead with your heart

  • Start putting your dreams into action

A wonderful example of Frog medicine and blessings;

I had a wonderful opportunity to participate in a Wand Making Workshop.

I got home last night.

The photo is of our frog friends blessing my newly created Healing wand. Purely by chance I walked into the kitchen where they had gathered to imbue the wand with their special medicine.

I love making the tools I work with for my Healings and cleansing. Setting the intention, consciously and intuitively choosing the materials based on the medicine they carry. From the bottle brush branch, to the crystals and feathers holding the power of the birds they are from.

Another reason I particularly love to create my own tools, is because I know everything is ethically sourced and there is great thought and care put into each stage of the process.

I created this particular wand to smudge and heal, both Animals and humans.

Also when I birthed my medicine drum, Meraki; ( Meraki showed herself in my dreams many months before I created her) It was the frogs who gave me the basic rhythm's to work with, Now when I play her and do the four directions ceremony, the frogs themselves croak in each corner as a duet. It is very special.

Another example

I took this picture of the Sunrise yesterday morning

Didn't think anything of it, until I saw it latter in the evening.

There is a beautiful Green orb in the bottom of the photo. Which made me research the possible message and meaning.

The biggest thing that showed up was the representation of Archangel Raphael, who heals people and animals. which resonates strongly as I'm about to go for surgery in a few weeks time.

I woke up this morning wondering how to work with Raphael..

I looked up and found a beautiful Praying Mantis above my head.

Check out the green eyes on this beauty. Asked and Answered I'd say

I've never worked with the Angels specifically before, it looks like it is time

It is worth mentioning too, that some Animal encounters are purely two or more souls sharing space, energy and love. Each moment is a blessing in their own right. Sometimes it is about enjoying your time together, and the medicine that they bring. Or perhaps the healing that you can contribute also.

Everyday can carry important messages that can assist you in making decisions. What are the animals trying to tell you? Are you Listening?

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