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Writer's pictureDONNA


Updated: Jul 2, 2019

Homage to my Animal Teachers

I would like to dedicate this article to all of the amazing animals that have impacted my life.

They are represented as a collective consciousness as a species,while some are individual souls.

In some cases we have spent years ( possibly lifetimes together) while others have existed momentarily. Nevertheless, changing my life and perceptions irrevocably, forever more.

Only with the wisdom of hindsight do I realise some of the changes that have happened in my life due to these encounters. Fast tracking my evolution.

From a very young age I have had the dolphins come and visit me in my dream time, bringing information,including prophecy. They have helped me understand the world and the planet on a deeper level,and have assisted me in predicting and knowing when family members ( human and animals) are going to pass over. Often leading to sleepwalking events. My First ‘known’ encounter was the unexpected passing of my Pop at age five. He died suddenly during the night of a stroke. My parents kept checking on me and two hours before his passing found me at the end of my bed on my knees, when asked what I was doing. I said I was getting Poppies feet ready for heaven. I'd be aware of these visitations as I would wake up feeling and smelling the salt water on my body and in my throat and nose.

Two years ago, I was offered an opportunity to swim with the dolphins, sharks and manta rays in Hawaii.

The dolphin energy felt familiar to me and we swam with multiple pods on multiple occasions. Each pod carried its own energy and message. One of the most amazing moments was being belly to belly with a Mumma dolphin while she sonared up and down my body. I'm still in awe of what happened that day, my whole body in goosebumps underwater! I absolutely know that the dolphin is my spirit animal.

Meeting them in person was a dream come true. There will be many more swims I am sure.

Snakes have shown me how to transmute fear into respect and understanding. Allowing me a broader perspective on the cycle of life. By virtue of their presence, I felt the need to take control of my unfounded fears including conducting research, doing snake handling courses, arming myself with as much knowledge as possible in regards to species, habitat, habits, diet, lifestyle. While seeing each and every soul in their own right, with their unique energy code.

They taught me to project my energy forward when I walk to let them know I'm coming, and they do the same if a likely encounter is to occur, I receive an image in my minds eye and sometimes an image of where I'm likely to see them.

After living overseas I came home to Australia, with a specific wish; A dog that needed some love. Less than three weeks later I had Ms Edna. She was scared of many things and had not been treated well. It was a steep learning curve for me. As I navigated our lives together. She taught me the value of patience and belief, the ability to change what no longer serves, and most of all, unconditional love. It is the depth of bond that we created in life that allows me to still work with her today as she assists animals to transition. Sending messages and signs to pass on to their guardians.

And of course Dora, the human communicator, she has been one of my biggest mentors, confidante, comedian, personal trainer and motivator, we have been together nearly nine years.

I adore her wilfulness and ability to know what she wants. She is the absolute ambassador for living life on purpose in her terms. I am eternally grateful for everyday I have with her. Not to mention the huge role she has played in my evolution in this lifetime.

The animals come to us with wisdom and knowledge. Some of which is crucial for the health and well being of the planet.

After all the the habitat is here for all of us to explore and enjoy. Not exploit.

If you would like to learn how to connect and communicate with all animals we have Animal Communication Workshops coming up!

Connect with us today for more information.

Big Love Donna XXX

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