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Writer's pictureDONNA

FEARS & PHOBIAS-Tools for Transformation

This article is focused on Phobias; and how they can be tools for Transformation and Soul

evolution. In particular, phobias that involve Animals.

In order to cover the concept of phobias we need to understand fear and its basic function and purpose.

What Is Fear?

Fear is one of the most basic human emotions. It is programmed into the nervous system and works as a survival instinct, allowing us to respond with fear when we sense danger or feel unsafe.

Fear helps protect us. Feeling afraid is very natural — and helpful — in some situations.


A phobia is an intense fear reaction to a particular thing or a situation. With a phobia, the fear is out of proportion to the potential danger. But to the person with the phobia, the danger feels real because the fear is so very strong.

Phobias cause people to worry about, dread, feel upset by, and avoid the things or situations they fear because the physical sensations of fear can be so intense. So having a phobia can interfere with normal activities, and can be quite debilitating.

Some phobias come from actual life events, memories, familial experience, societal ideas and in some cases past life events. Wherever the phobia stems from it feels very real to the person experiencing the reaction.

I once had an intense fear, phobia of snake's, and it wasn't until I moved here ( Northern NSW, 12 years ago) that I realised how irrational and debilitating it was.

In hindsight, I also recognise the magnetic resonance of fear, actually drawing the experience to you.

By living in perpetual fear that snakes were going to show up everywhere." They were out to get me & my Animals"

Meant that they did show up quite regularly, and a python did eat one of my chickens.

Which made me hyper-vigilant to the point of exhaustion. In fact the night the python got into the Coop. I set up a hammock nearby, madly googling information on how many chickens a python can eat in one sitting!

I fundamentally understood that I had provided a convenient and tasty food source for this fella, and the onus was on me to create a more secure space for the girls.

The next day a wildlife carer came out to capture and relocate this beautiful specimen. The Python was close to 3 metres, and the guy mentioned that he could possibly be around 40 years old, and would only move him 400 metres from the Coop.

Then I came home from an Animal Communication Retreat. I went to check on the chickens and was hand feeding lil Pearl( polish hen)

Less than a metre away was the biggest brown snake I've ever seen. As thick as my wrist.

I threw Pearl in the Coop.

Ran behind the gate and watched him slip into a hole under the Coop.

I was shaking, sweating, my legs were jelly. I was a mess!

And then I had a thought; I've just spent a week Communicating with animals, maybe this is an opportunity?

So I centred myself and began channelling/being Reiki.

He came out of the hole in a figure 8.

I telepathically said, "I'm so sorry. I'm just so scared of you!"

Then I heard in response; "I am scared of you too!"

That was a huge lightbulb moment. I had never thought of snakes being scared of us. Yet we are their biggest threat, us and our animals.

This started my journey into research on reputable internet sites. Books, even a snake handling course, while tuning into snakes themselves for information and wisdom.

What I noticed the most was how clear my "signal" was with them, and there's no doubt that comes from my original fear. So connecting with them had assisted me with my work greatly.

I still come across snakes regularly, in fact I had a sweet tree snake in my house a month ago.

My body still initially reacts and responds when I have a snake encounter. However, I have a deal with my guides that they send me a vision/heads up if I'm likely to see a venomous one within 48 hours. Normally that vision/information will come with a "sign", such as a where I will see them. Something that triggers the keep an eye out response. It's all energetic and happens almost instantly.

Which leaves me to get on with life, knowing that each encounter is a privilege. I have so much respect and admiration for these Gorgeous souls now.

I was also fortunate to Swim with sharks off the North Shore, Hawaii, with Ocean Ramsey's Crew,

it was a life-changing experience. They were mainly Galapagos Sharks. However there were a few tiger sharks too!

We had just spent a week swimming daily with gorgeous spinner dolphins, manta rays and other various sea creatures. Absolute bliss.

We went to two different dive sites with around 30 sharks at any given time. They were beautiful, graceful and inquisitive, never once did I feel threatened or worried. The only time my blood pressure sped up was my initial glimpse over the side of the boat, as these gigantic grey beings were circling beneath us. Every popular "jaws" movie moment was remembered in that one moment. Then I gathered myself and remembered that Ocean had been doing these Free swimming tours daily for nearly 20 years, without any incidents.

Once I was in the water I was in absolute awe, it reminded me of diving with the Manta Rays, despite their size they perfectly demonstrate grace and are quite mesmerising.

Now whenever I have the chance I will happily advocate for both Sharks and Snakes. They are some our most misunderstood creatures.

Is there a phobia in your life that you would like to conquer in this lifetime?

My advice; make yourself familiar with your fear/phobia, almost an expert. As I was researching I realised how many urban myths and untruths that are repeated without regard to the facts.

Facing your fears and phobias will allow you to feel empowered and the learning is multi-layered with a flow on effect that can be truly freeing.

Obviously, it is a work in progress, and won't happen overnight. However, any step towards informing yourself will help, I promise.

We are available for Animal Communication and healing sessions.

We have a convenient online booking system.

And some great new ways to learn Animal Communication while working with your own fur friends.

Looking forward to connecting

Donna and Dors Xx

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