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Writer's picture: DONNA DONNA

We want to be the best pet parents we can be? Right?

No one sets out to get it wrong!

However, I would like to touch on a topic, that quite frankly. Could be a little touchy a subject for some people.

Being Emotionally strong for our fur family.

While our pets are exceptional at being there for us when we need them the most, it is also important for us to be great role models, caretaker's and guardians for them.

Please note; I try to avoid using the word "owners" as we are all individual souls with our individual souls contracts for ourselves, and also with our animal counterparts. No one OWNs anybody.

Being Strong for our Animals isn't about being the "Alpha", nor is it about domination.

It is about being a true guardian and caretaker.

Taking full responsibility for our feelings and thoughts. While being mindful of the impact they can have on our Animal companions.

Awareness of this connection can very well assist in strengthening bonds, deepen understanding and allow for clearer communication for everyone.

We are the emotional thermostat in the household. If we are generally happy, our animals are happy. If we are experiencing lows, our animals will definitely be aware.

Sometimes they will do all sorts of things to ‘get us out of’ the funk.

If the highs or lows are as a result of something outside the home, or experiencing stress with other humans in the household, the animals will feel this. It is important to maintain some sense of self and take emotional responsibility. Or they may try to "parent" or console us.

This can show up as misbehaviour, disobedience, dominance ( taking control) etc

That’s not to say that when you are upset, you can’t cuddle with your cat or your dog or allow your horse to take you for a long relaxing ride to decompress.

Make sure that you thank them and let them know how much they helped. We can be emotionally vulnerable and still maintain a certain sense of centeredness. Animals are a lot more understanding than we give them credit for, and are fantastic master healer's in their own right.

I'm not suggesting that your feelings are invalid or unimportant, it is necessary to understand the reason for your feelings and process the lessons, rather than creating a feedback loop of thoughts. Which can create anxiety in you and your furry companion.

Taking Emotional Leadership in your household also includes feeling guilty because you have to leave them at home while you work, they can pick up on this and it can be the seed of separation anxiety.

Also totally accepting them as whole, Health wise, not focusing on their ailments, seeing them as their illness, focusing on their lumps and bumps or holding unreasonable expectations. Such as expecting a "miracle" at the end of life. Instead you could be enjoying those last precious memories. BE-ing with them means everything. Acceptance is key to staying in the present moment with your gorgeous friends.

A great way to change the situation is through visualization and seeing exactly the behaviour you DO want and replaying that image in your mind.

For example, if you have cats that don’t get along and your dream would be to sit in harmony on the lounge, then visualize this.

Every time you picture them or remember them not getting along, replace the image with the desired outcome, immediately.

As humans, we tend to conjure up the "image" of the undesirable action/situation.

Let’s say you have a dog and every time it sees another dog, it gets leash aggressive.

We tend to remember the last event on a cellular/energetic level, our body, mind, voice remembers , therefore, our reaction is to become strained, expectant of a similar event.

Later that day, the event flashes in our mind on that scene and we carry all of that baggage with it.

Accidentally we have sent the image to the Animal, they will receive this message with the embedded feelings involved.

To undo this, you need to see this image appear in your mind, take a moment, breath, remember one of the best moments of your life of joy, excitement, pride – when the impossible was Possible!

Feel that for a moment and then imagine walking down the street with your dog poised and friendly. Imagine sitting on the couch with your zen cats.

If your pet has inherited bad behaviour as a result of an adoption, this is the perfect time to help rewrite the story for this animal. You have the chance to rename, and recreate the narrative and potential future of this beautiful animal.

Animals would prefer to live in the moment.

Taking leadership in these situations is empowering and allows us to develop a sense of our true selves.

It is so important to say what you mean, mean what you say and step up your emotional leadership role in the household.

Make sure your 'projected' image & emotions are in alignment with your expectations and desires.

As it is nearly always miscommunication that leads to undesirable behaviours.

If this is an issue with you and your fur family, feel free to contact us. We can schedule an appointment and work on some strategies that will create harmony in your home.

With gratitude Donna and Dors Xx


Tel 0490156038

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