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Writer's pictureDONNA

ANIMAL COMMUNICATION - The Animal Perspective

An Animals Perspective

Ever wondered what your animals are trying to tell you? I believe a better question is “How do they think, how can we understand them better? “

Here's some insights that have come to me “straight from the horse's mouth “ so to speak..

Animals live in the present moment. They don't work with the concept of linear time ( as this is purely a human invention).

Understanding this basic principle, allows us to “hear them better”

They may talk in terms of season’s, or use a particular incident, that can help you create a timeline.

For example a question may be “ When did a behaviour start and why? “

Possible answers : it was hot, and we had been to the beach, there was loud bangs.

How I may receive this message is via a movie clip of the events.

There maybe smells, feelings, tastes etc. Or on occasion, I can “become them” in that moment. So I can portray in human terms how the animal experienced the event. Including the censorial emotion.

I never know how I will receive messages and I am conscience of not heavily interpreting. Or having preconceived notions. As truth is always better than what I could ever imagine.

How people can get more from their Animal Communication Experience..

Not every session produces yogi-like insights-

Lower your expectations and allow your animals communicate from the heart. Accept them for who they are, and their sweet messages that they have decided to share with you.. It maybe the simplest joy of their favourite toy..

Don't treat the session as an interrogation-

Go into it with love, respect and a fully functioning sense of humour. It is really precious to witness an Animal's wisdom and insights being honoured.

Be open to “Animal Speak” and perceptions

Sometimes they refer to humans as two-legs and I have a gorgeous client, who refers to her supplementary greens as her “vital”.

Animals find us to be curious creatures… Finding humour in us wanting to mask our true selves and essence with weird smells and clothes.

They see themselves as perfect, and quite often question why we see imperfections, issues and problems first and foremost.

They are the embodiment of the attitude of gratitude!

Have you ever seen a dog who has just received a big juicy bone? “Best Day Ever!!! “

Please embrace their quirky ways.. It is what makes them so unique, lovable and sweet.

Don't focus on their faults. See them as a perfect work in progress.. As we all are.

I was recently asked to write a paragraph about Animal grief for an upcoming book.. That I thought I'd share:

Do Animals grieve?

Yes, absolutely. Although animals live in the moment, they still have heart & soul attachments with humans & animals.

As individuals, they express themselves uniquely. Some require love & affection while others require space & reflection.

What I do know. When they transition, their souls are still contactable & they still exist in our lives as guardian angels.

Love really is eternal. 💖

Best way to connect with me is via email or text. The shorter the message. The quicker the response.

Many thanks and Much Aroha

Donna Xx

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