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Writer's pictureDONNA


Animal Communication Can Change Your Life!

I understand that this is a hell of a statement. However; I personally know it to be true. And having had the privilege to witness some extraordinary moments.

Getting your animals’ perspective and a greater understanding of their purpose in your life including the lessons and patterns, can be life altering for you and them.

Animals are highly evolved sentient beings; they are here to assist us and the planet to evolve. Some of their lessons and behaviours can mirror what is happening in our lives and sometimes it is to get our attention in order to assist us out of destructive thought loops and situations that no longer serve our higher purpose.

There has been a really strong theme with the clients I have read for recently(that is one of domestic abuse and violence) In one case the dog lived with the family in order to show the woman that she deserved better (this dog lived outside, chained etc). It wasn’t until she realised that the best life for this gorgeous dog was to be re-homed that she understood, that she too needed to look for other accommodation.

Another case involved a woman from another country; her beloved, brave dog was tortured and killed in front of her so that should fully see her life for what it had become, in both of these situations the “family unit” appeared normal to the outside world, including the perpetrators. This particular dog came through loud and clear to say how brave the lady was and it wasn’t her fault. In fact it was a soul contract they had signed prior to this lifetime. It was about self-worth and self-love. Our session allowed the woman to start processing the immense grief and sorrow she had been carrying. This gorgeous dog still works with her guardian as a spirit guide from the other side.

Sometimes animals come to us to assist us with understanding our illnesses and in some cases become surrogates by testing likely medications, cures and outcomes.

I have met animals with diabetes, asthma and many other human disorders and disease. Quite often it will be our relentless search for their well being that we end up discovering our own.

I find if there is an animal with anxiety there is nearly always a person suffering the very same. Anxiety and depression can be debilitating, and animals are wonderful at assisting their guardians through the hard times. The common thread is the unconditional love that animals bring in abundance.

Some animals can literally change your life by virtue of their needs and requirements based on their issues and quirks. Exercise and enrichment is a necessary part of an animals day, big or small. Our whole lifestyle can change and adapt, leaving us with more time and energy to just be. Something humans seem to struggle with in this day and age.

Usually our idea of a misbehaving animal can actually be an incredible lesson for us. Nearly always the behaviour stops once it has been addressed and understood. For example; there's been dogs with incontinence. The Guardian's believe they are doing it on purpose. During the session we uncover an underlying bladder infection which is taken care of within a couple of weeks.

Another area where extraordinary change can occur is with allergies, skin issues and dietary matters. Usually by the time i am consulted most people will have tried everything. These sessions really are life changing. The proof is in the healing and changes, sometimes dietary changes can bring about behavioural differences too!

Remember, you may not be able to change the world, however you can change the world for all the animals you come in contact with.

For me the most beautiful moment is when the human gets it, and the animal sits quietly in the corner like ‘Yoda’ or literally is so excited they do happy dances. I love my job and the ability to bring the animals’ messages and wisdom out into the open.

Bottom line is animals come to us to help make us better people. Have you ever wondered what your animals’ purpose is in your life? Because I guarantee you there is one!

Would you like to learn more and have a better understanding of your fur-friends?

We always have Animal Communication For Beginners Workshops coming up. Checkout our workshop page for more details, and connect with us t go on the mail-out lists. So you are the first to know. As there is always an Early-Bird price too.

Big Love Donna XX

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