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5 REIKI PRECEPTS - Animal Applications

Animals & the 5 Reiki Precepts

Anyone who has studied the system of Reiki understand the concept of the Reiki Precepts. They are the foundation of Reiki, and are a basic guidelines to live simply, harmoniously and create a balanced life.

The principles themselves can vary Master to Master. However, the underpinning messages are very similar.

These are the ones that resonate with me the most, due to their simplicity.

Just for today :

● Do not anger

● Do not worry

● Be humble

● Be honest in your work

● Be compassionate to yourself and others

There is a small explanation of each of the precepts and how the Animals teach them to us in daily life :

Do not anger

This precept can have multi layered meaning. Becoming angry is a natural emotion. It is okay to get angry, just don't dwell on it.

Animals may get angry. However, they leave it in the moment. For example:one dog wants the ball, the other one gets it. The first one growls, accepts what has happened and looks to the human to throw the ball again.. Animals do not Hold on to Anger.

Do not worry

Worrying is a lot of wasted emotion. Animals choose to live in the moment. They don't worry about tomorrow. Animals are masters at conserving energy.

I think it is important to mention that Anxiety is a different story and usually brought about by a traumatic experience, learned behaviour and reinforced habits.

Be humble

There is distinctly a hierarchy between animals, this leads to an understanding where everyone fits in. This is especially noticeable in herd of pack animals. It makes sense and denotes and underlying social structure.

In these situations you will often see the younger or less able animals showing submissive behaviour. And at the end of the day they all work as a team. No ego.

Be honest in your work

I take this to believe to be honest in everything you do.

Animals and Children nail this. They honest in all that they do. If they don't like you. You will be the first to know.

Ironically, they will usually react due to the human masking their true feelings or being dishonest in some way. They pick up on the vibrations and act accordingly.

Be compassionate to yourself and others

Animals are great at this. Have you ever seen a mother with her babies. She knows that she has to keep up her strength to care for her young.

Although she will make sure they are cared for, she will always eat enough for herself too.

And inter-species relationships are amazing. That's the true essence of compassion.

The Reiki Precepts are the cornerstone of my life and Practice.. I still stray from the path, occasionally. As i am a human being having a human experience on this beautiful planet.

However, you can guarantee it will be an Animal that reminds me to get back on track.

I highly recommend practising Reiki daily, it can be as simple as waking in the morning and reciting the precepts. meditating with your dog or cat, before rising or during the day.

Chanting the precepts in Japanese can bring about amazing reactions in animals. Proving to me that it is about the intent, vibration and energy. Nothing to do with the actual language.

We will be running Reiki I and Reiki II classes throughout the year. They will be for humans and animals.

There will space available for people who have already achieved Reiki I &II to join us purely for the animal component of the course.

Please contact us if you would like to express your interest

and email any questions.

Look forward to connecting.

Much Aroha Donna Xxx

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