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Writer's pictureDONNA


Updated: Jul 2, 2019

Dedicated to the Gorgeous Gruff, Little Bill and Miss Maybeline

A subject close to home. I've chosen this topic for May as it is a subject fraught with emotion.

Have you ever had to re home a beautiful soul that has become a part of your life?

I recently found myself in this predicament. As I have re-homed my beloved Goat herd. They have lived with me for 18 months in my house yard, we became used to each others existence. They would wake me up each morning and free range while i was at home, I used to mind tether them

( more about that later)... I used to hug them and talk to them all day, they made me laugh, occasionally made me question my sanity, and testing the limits. Many lessons have been learned, and I am so very grateful for them being a part of my life.

When I found out I needed to find them a new home, I went into a tailspin, not knowing what the outcome could be, who could possibly understand their unique personalities and accept their


Once I put all of this to one side i realized the best thing i could do, was to manifest the best outcome possible. and that is exactly what happened. In fact, they are currently grazing the hills at a very lovely B&B with other goats , miniature ponies, peacocks and many other animals. When you let go of the fear and work with the universe to co-create, anything is possible, I held love in my heart and allowed the universe to show me the direction to head in. I got distinct picture images of who to connect with. and on a recent drive i actually saw the farm let where they would end up, and actually said in my mind, " there. somewhere exactly like that!.".. and within the week, that is exactly where they are.

So I do believe in miracles, positive thinking,the power of co creating and manifestation. I am very grateful, and I am allowed to visit anytime.

This is the first time I have ever had to re-home any of my friends except for a Rooster. It has been a roller coaster ride. That's for sure, plenty of tears. deep questioning. Guilt.. and yet, in the end they are living a better life than they were with me.

It seems that everyone has an opinion…

Just watch the vitriol come thick and fast if you see a post on social media. Very rarely are the comments useful, quite often state the obvious, can be hurtful and personal in nature.

From a human perspective, in a lot of cases, it isn't a spur of the moment decision. There has been much deliberation, heartache, long conversations and sleepless nights.

Sadly I've heard of people having all of their animals euthanized, rather than cop the backlash and heartache of re-homing their precious friends.

“Free to good home” How does this sentence make you feel?

Do you think they need to try harder, they haven't explored all their options..? Why? What happened?

When did we become so judgemental?

There is usually a major event or catalytic moment where they realise that the current situation is no longer working for all involved.

Some of the reasons for re-homing I have encountered are:

  • Domestic violence situations

  • Health issues for the animals or guardian

  • Death in the family

  • Living situation has changed

  • The animal doesn't get on with another animal or human, potentially endangering them

  • Mental health issues

  • Can't keep the animal properly contained for the health and safety of themselves and others

  • Financial hardship

  • Mobility issues

  • Unexpected accidents

  • New family member, eg:baby

  • Allergies

  • Objectionable behaviour

Obviously, there are people who don't really have an “acceptable” reason, and some seem to be serial offenders.

In these cases I find it is a better outcome for the animals anyway.

From an animal perspective, they really are content and happy being loved, cared for and well fed. With comfortable lodgings.

Animals are resilient creatures, and in some cases actually know who their new guardians will be or what their new living arrangements are. And can express this in telepathic messages, I have been doing some work in Animal shelters and the animals have the answers to most of the questions..

Part of their gifts and soul contracts include enduring situations, hardships and multiple “owners”. In order to assist us with our life lessons, personal growth and to discover our soul purpose.

When I communicate with animals that have had multiple homes, their stories usually have a theme, and quite often there are commonality between the animals and guardians. In some cases even the same start in life or similar illness, giving each other a unique empathy, anxieties that can be worked through together.

It really is wonderful to see two souls,engage, mirror, and essentially save one another.

Next time you feel triggered by something. Ask how you can help? Can you share the post?

Did a vision of someone you know come to mind when you saw the picture, pass the information on.

I really hope you don't have to re-home your best friends. However, if you do, may your decision be met with understanding.

The world could really use some more kindness & compassion. There is already more than enough judgement and opinion.

And if you have some room in your heart and home please consider rescuing a shelter animal.. Your life will be a whole lot richer for the experience.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about your furred, feathered or finned friends.

I work with Animal Communication, Reiki, and Crystal therapy.

Animal communication is fantastic for understanding behaviors, situations and any trauma carried forward. While, Reiki is powerful in releasing & transforming anxiety and trauma from previous existence.

I will be facilitating Animal Communication classes throughout the year. Please email me to express your interest.

Much Aroha

Donna Xx

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