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Writer's pictureDONNA

THE ANIMALS NEED US. The extinction of Sudan, what is the lesson for us?

Updated: Jul 2, 2019

How Can We Help?

They need US to be brave, strong and to speak their truth.

There needs to be accountability, more compassion and respect, for all living beings.

We have been given guardianship of this amazing planet, and all of the unique ecology that inhabits Her.

Sadly, one of our amazing creatures became extinct this week, while we looked on from the sidelines.

Sudan, a magnificent white Rhino of 45 years, was the last representative of the species that fell victim to the greed of man, mainly from poaching and habitat loss.

He was the last living White Rhino who was born wild.

500,000 Rhinos lived across Africa and Asia at the start of the 20th century. How did it get to this? When should we have stepped in?

How, many more species do we have to lose?

With the loss of Sudan.We lose an integral part of us.

Every living thing on this planet holds a special purpose and place, losing them is losing the diversity of our unique ecosystem and a part of ourselves too.

The animals are holding up a mirror to our behavior, they are calling out for us to help, we need to speak up before it is too late.

We can't let Sudan’s passing be in vain.

Hearing them

Another way we can assist is; To Listen. To them, their body language .Find the meaning in their predicaments. Be there for them.

It is imperative to open our hearts and intuitive mind. Listen, be engaged, and try to understand the situation from their perspective. Be present.

Even though we interpret things from a human experience and understanding, it is important not to “humanize” them and their idiosyncratic ways.

Animals are sentient beings that have been sent to help guide us to be our best selves, sometimes their presence is a subtle way for us to change our lifestyles or habits as we make way for them in our world. Each creature is unique with an individual personality, it is up to us to allow that to shine through. Don't dull their true essence.

I tend not use the word “owner”, as nobody has the ability to own another soul or sentient being, I use the word Guardian, mostly.

Meaning, on a domestic level we take responsibility for their food shelter, unconditional love and well being, on a global scale we are responsible for habitat, understanding their basic needs and not interfering with, or exploiting them in any way.

As guardians it is up to us to ensure that we are making choices and decisions for the greater good, for the animal, species, planet and all living things.

When the American Indians hold council there is always a person present who speaks on behalf of the wolf ( representative of all animals). And most indigenous people make decisions based on the projected consequences of seven generations..

Sadly today's society has a focus on money, profit and short term gain.

We need to get back to our roots, we have to get back in touch with our source self, and do what's right. Before it is too late.

Making Conscious Choices:

Eat less meat and show gratitude to the animal that has lived for you to nourish yourself.

Research where your meat, eggs and dairy come from. How are the animals treated, are they shown love and compassion? Is it ethically sourced? Have the animals suffered in any way?

I have asked farm animals (chickens, cows, pigs and goats) how they feel about this being their destiny, the answers have always been along the same lines. As long as they are treated with dignity and respect ( that they deserve).

And dealt with humanely at the end. They accept that this is part of this life's journey for them.

They are not afraid of death or dying and just see this as another step along the path of life.

Here are some recent words of wisdom from the Dalai Lama that resonate at this time :

“I am one of the 7 billion human beings alive today. We each have a responsibility to think about humanity and the good of the world because it affects our own future. We weren’t born on this planet at this time to create problems but to bring about some benefit.”

If you would like to deepen your connection and communicate better with animals please send me an email as I am facilitating classes throughout the year.

Much Aroha

Donna Xx

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