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Writer's pictureDONNA


Updated: Jul 2, 2019

Baby Pugs

How Can We Assist Animals ?

Hearing them

It is one of the most common questions I hear, and the best answer I can give is; To Listen.

It is imperative to open our hearts and intuitive mind. Listen, be engaged, and try to understand the situation from their perspective. Be present.

Even though we interpret things from a human experience and understanding, it is important not to “humanize” them and their idiosyncratic ways.

Animals are sentient beings that have been sent to us to help guide us to be our best selves, sometimes their presence is a subtle way for us to change our lifestyles or habits as we make way for them in our world. Each creature I meet is unique with an individual personality, it is up to us to allow that to shine through. Don't dull their true essence.

Humans can be very confusing to animals, especially in the words we use. We tend to talk in sentences.

If we just say a simple word or use a hand signal they would get it that much quicker.

Better still, match your intention with your words, and send a telepathic picture.

The worst thing we can do, is try and mask our true feelings, as the energy we convey is the biggest thing they are responding to. You cannot fool an animal on a vibrational level. Be authentic.

I tend not use the word “owner”, as I believe that no body has the ability to own another sentient being. Therefore I use the word guardian. And as guardians, we are here to provide unconditional love, boundaries, food, shelter, the best care we possibly can.

In order to thrive, they need to be stimulated through exercise, fun and games.

Ask yourself, is this the best life for my friend? What can I do better?

Often I meet & communicate with rescue animals, I find their stories can be heart breaking and in some cases, downright humorous. However, the common themes are;

  • They understand who they are

  • Where they have come from

  • Their purpose in the new guardians life & visa versa

I would like to address the word “Naughty”, as a lot of people use it to describe their companions behavior. Naughty is a human perspective and is mostly connected to ego and control.

The other misnomer is “ they are only doing this to upset, anger, or test us” Although they can be cheeky or intelligent. Animals simply do not work from this place. Or think like this.

If anything it is probably best described as undesirable behavior.

Most of the creatures are repeating learned behavior or habits that can be triggered by words or situations. Before you accuse your animal of being naughty ask yourself (and them) the following questions:

  • Is there an underlying illness or medical condition?

  • When did this behavior begin, what was happening in your/their life at the time?

  • How can we work together to change or alter this situation using keywords or alternatives that suit both parties?

Usually there is a solution, if the guardian keeps an open mind.

In some cases it may require the guardian to make some change in their life as well.

For example: a dog peeing in an undesirable area, may mean you have to walk them more or go outside of an evening and look up at the stars.

Reinforcing and rewarding good behavior is also helpful. Patience is key, and make it fun for you and them!

Transitioning:The concept of a good death;

It is important to make sure the animal is comfortable and surrounded by love, That they are in minimal pain.

It is an honour & privilege to be with animals in their last moments on this Earth. Assisting the animal and the guardian. To answer any questions they may have & to reassure the human that this is the “right time”, allowing for the transition to be peaceful, with no regrets.

Although this is one of the saddest times, for all concerned It is of great comfort to the human and pet.

Obviously this applies to an illness or sickness that is diagnosed, and there is a period of time to get used to the idea.

However, when an animals passing is quick and unexpected, it can leave the guardian with a lot of unanswered questions, guilt and trauma.

In these cases I can communicate with the animal that has passed, connecting them both once more to allow for closure and any questions to be answered that will assist in the grieving process.

It is important for yourself and your beloved fur friend to make peace with this, and allow yourself as much time as you need to grieve, each case is different and we all process things in our own way.

When the time is right, you will remember them fondly, without tears and laugh at some of their funny antics. It is really important to remember the good times as their passing is such a short moment in the grand scheme of things.

Making Conscience Choices:

Eat less meat and show gratitude to the animal that has lived for you to nourish yourself.

Research where your meat, eggs and dairy come from. How are the animals treated, are they shown love and compassion? Is it ethically sourced? Have the animals suffered in any way?

I have asked farm animals (chickens, cows, pigs and goats) how they feel about this being their destiny, the answers have always been along the same lines. As long as they are treated with dignity and respect ( that they deserve).

And dealt with humanely at the end. They accept that this is part of this life's journey for them.

They are not afraid of death or dying and just see this as another step along the path of life.

If you would like to deepen your connection and communicate better with animals please send me an email as I am facilitating classes throughout the year.

Much Aroha


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