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Writer's pictureDONNA

Clover a real-life Chicken Run

CLOVER- Real life Chicken Run. And the sweetest and gentlest soul you would ever meet. Clover came to me via a girl who knew I had chickens. Clover had been on his way to the processing plant and Claire happened to be following in her car. They were on a main highway doing 100 kms an hour, and Clover made his escape, he jumped onto the road in the path of a truck going the other way, which swerved to miss him.

Claire had pulled over and grabbed him, and sent me a photo from the side of the road. He spent the night with some Cockatiels in an aviary, and I picked him up the next day. It was Claire’s daughter who gave him the name Clover. He had significant damage to both his legs and a nasty infected wound on his underbelly. I gave him Reiki from that first day, and he couldn’t move much. Understandably. However he had a gigantic appetite. In fact he ate in one day, the same amount as the entire chicken coop (7 birds). Including water.

This led me to do some research. He was only 6-8 weeks old, his beak had been chopped off so he didn’t engage in biting others. So when it grew back it was quite crooked and I had to hand feed him at times, showing him how to eat corn. He was such a beautiful natured bird that all the others came to tolerate and in some cases love him. In fact he used to sunbake with a 2.4 meter brown snake. He was never meant to last beyond the 8 week mark and I used to do everything in my power to exercise him daily.

By the time he was to transition, he was around 6 months old, and weighed just under 10kgs. He was a happy soul and had only just learnt to crow, and used to sit down to receive his Reiki as soon as he saw me.

The way he transported was fitting of a soul so loving and kind. It was a wedge tail eagle, who made Clover his target. He just couldn’t get away fast enough, and I think it was an honourable way for him to go, and on his own terms too. Bless his brave soul. I still miss him.

He has taught me to be more conscience of the choices I make about the meat I consume.

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